Andrew Martin - Instructional Designer

Web | UX | Instructional


My story: I'm an instructional designer with a background in arts, technology, and education. My music degrees taught me the value of abstract reasoning and self-guided discovery — these processes fundamentally shape the way I design business solutions. I have a wealth of experience using technology to develop training materials that are dynamic and engaging. I also have hands-on experience teaching classes, leading workshops and training groups of adults.

My process: I design elegant learning solutions that address business needs. The tools I choose reflect the intended outcomes and target audience. I follow an iterative design process that incorporates planning, prototyping, user testing and data analysis. This results in a user-focused product that is both refined and relevant.

What we can accomplish: Hire me for an effective training course, documentation site, or interactive presentation.


  • Instructional Designer
    Freelance (2021 - Present) Develop and design learning solutions that target business goals. Conduct needs assessment directly with client and SME to identify persistent, recurring problems and outline potential solutions. Create assets based on client brief and deliver product on schedule. Implement user research and render data-based analysis. Advertise and seek out new opportunities through community engagement. Perform scheduling and bookkeeping. Research and build upon existing knowledge of instructional design technique.
  • Faculty, Piano and Jazz Improvisation
    Little Mission Studio (February 2019 - Present) Engage with students in one-on-one settings and conduct group workshops. Develop individualized lesson plans for in-person and remote classes. Evaluate progress, plan for continued growth. Take detailed notes. Create course material for songwriting technology course.
  • Faculty, Piano
    Crowden Music Center (January 2020 - Present) Concurrent position with role above, flexing and further developing senior-level Educator skills.


  • MA Music Composition
    University of California, Berkeley
  • BM Music Composition
    California State University, Northridge

Let's make an impact.

Open for freelance and full-time opportunities.

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